CNC Swiss
TYPE:Swiss Lathe
CONTROL:Fanuc 31i-Model B
REFERENCE #:3667525
Tsugami BS20
Mfd. 2008
Cutting hours: 8,123
CNC Swiss Lathe
Just stopped production
LNS barfeed
Chip conveyor
Coolant blaster
Machine Specifications
Machining Range, machining capacity:
· Bar stock diameter: 8-38mm
· Max. machining length: 250mm
Tsugami B0205 III
Mfd. 2019
Tri-Mist Mist Collector
Control: Fanuc Series oi-TF
Run Time (02/27/23): 1159 Hrs
Cutting Time (02/27/23: 686 Hrs
1 x CNC multispindle machine Tornos MultiSwiss 8 x 26
Year of Manufacture: 2016
8-spindle machine
Operating hours approx. 13.000 h
Bar capacity: 8-26 mm
Star SB-20 Type E Swiss CNC Automatic Lathe
Mfd. 2012
Serial #: 0769 (NT20)
equipped with Fanuc Oi-TD Control Coolant Tank
Chip Conveyor
Star SR-20RIII CNC Swiss Type Automatic Lathe,
Mfd. 2009
SN: 0701 (054)
Fanuc Series 300/is-A Control,
4-Spindle Sleeve Holder (Front/Rear) 4/4 Tools
Star SR-20RIII CNC Swiss Type Automatic Lathe
Mfd. 2009
SN: 0700 (054)
Fanuc Series 300/is-A Control,
4-Spindle Sleeve Holder (Front/Rear) 4/4 Tools
Davenport 3/4" Spindle Stopper,
SN: 12434,
mfd. 1988,
with two lower slides,
3rd position cross drill,
5th position swing arm,
universal threading,