
Acme 1-1/4" RB8

Acme 1-1/4" RB8 spindle stopper, s/n AM-40069

Acme 1-1/4" RA6

Acme 1-1/4" RA-6, s/n 71251-C, mfd. 1976, w/ stock reel and stand, .001 stem. 

  • INDEX MS32 P

INDEX MS32P. With 4 meter Iemca bar loader. Mfd. 2001. With Pickoff attachment.

  • Mitsubishi CNC Multi-Spindle Automatic
Mitsubishi CNC Multi-Spindle Automatic, Model M-T35E, (2 Available)

Mitsubishi CNC Multi-Spindle Automatic Screw Machine. 6-spindles. 35mm collets

(1)            SPINDLE CARRIER

  • Mitsubishi CNC Multi-Spindle Automatic,  Model M-T42E
Mitsubishi CNC Multi-Spindle Automatic, Model M-T42E

Mitsubishi CNC Multi-Spindle Automatic Screw Machine. 6-spindles. 42mm collets.

  • Wickman 1-3/8"
Wickman 1-3/8"

Wickman 1-3/8", 6-Spindle Automatic Screw Machine. SN: 15289. Motor and Controls. Stock Reel and Stand. New Spindle Bearings, New Pins and Bushings. Equiped as needed.

  • Schutte SF51
Schutte SF51 S with Cucchi Loader 2002

Schutte SF51 S. Mfd. 2002. Cucchi Bar Feed. Pickoff, Back Burr. Used only 3 years.

  • Euroturn (ZPS) 8-32S
Euroturn (ZPS) (Mori-Say) 8-32S, (Barely Used)

Euroturn 8-32S, Multi-spindle Screw Machine. Remanufactured 2012. Less than 6-months runtime. Machine run only 1,400 hours. Pickup/Back Finish, Threading Clutch, Siemans Servo Feed Drive.

  • INDEX MS 25E Multi-spindle Screw Machine
INDEX MS 25E 6-spindle Screw Machine

INDEX MS 25E, 6-spindle, 25mm multi-spindle screw machine. Motor and controls, stock stand and reel. SN: MS 25E 18103.

  • ACME-GRIDLEY 1-1/4" RB-8 (Rebuild Process)
Acme-Gridley 1-1/4" RB-8 REBUILT

ACME-GRIDLEY 1-1/4" RB-8. SN: 40034. Motor and Controls, Stock Reel and Stand, Threading, Pickoff, Equipped as Needed

  • Mori-Say 6-42
Euroturn (ZPS) 6-42

Euroturn 6-42 (ZPS) (Mori-Say). 6-Spindle 42mm Screw Machine. Mfd. 1997. Motor and controls (Allen Bradley control), Pickup attachment, Back Finish attachment, Universal Threading Clutches.

  • Schutte SF42
Schutte SF42 Screw Machine

Schutte SF42 Multispindle Screw Machine. 6-Spindles, 42mm capacity. Motor and controls. Stock Reel and Stand. IEMCA PRA loader. Internal and External Thread Chasing attachments.

  • ACME-GRIDLEY 1-1/4" RB-8 Screw Machine

ACME-GRIDLEY 1-1/4" RB-8, SN: AM-40062. Motor and Controls. Stock Reel and Stand. 6 cross slides. Universal Chip Conveyor.

  • Schutte AF32 DNT Screw Machine
Schutte AF32 DNT

Schutte AF32 Multi-spindle screw machine. 32mm capacity with 8 Spindles. Motor and control. Stock reel and stand, Threading Clutches. 8 cross slides.

  • ACME GRIDLEY 2-5/8" RB-8
Acme 2-5/8" RB-8

Acme 2-5/8" RB8, s/n 96284, w/ motor and controls, stock stand and reel, 6 cross slides with shelf in 3rd & 6th, 5th position universal threading, 6th position hs drill drive. 

  • Schutte AF32 DNT
Schutte AF32 DNT

Schutte AF32 Multi-spindle screw machine. 32mm capacity with 8 Spindles. Motor and control. Stock reel and stand, Pickup Attachment. Threading.


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