Schutte WU 305
CNC Universal Tool and Cutter Grinder
Mfd. 2006
Type: WU305 "Trend"
Series: 2
Control: Siemens 840D
Axis: 5
Power: 480V 60Hz
Schutte SF 26S DNT, with 4-Meter Cucchi Loader
Mfd. 1999
Siemens Simatic OP 27 Control, Hydraulic tank and coolant tank.
6 spindles
6 Slides
Schutte S32PC
SN: PE-S32PC-0701
mfd. 2000
6 Spindles, 32mm capacity
Siemens Simondrive 611 controls and Beckhoff screen
Schutte SG18 Multi-Spindle Screw Machine
Mfd. 1997
6 Spindles
18mm Capacity
Siemens PLC
Pickoff and Back Finish
Stock Reel and Stand
PRA bar loader
Schutte SC7-32, Mfd. 2012, 7-Spindles. 32mm. Cucchi Bar Loader 3.3 Meters. Very little use!
Schutte A 36 PC CNC Multi-Spindle Screw Machine. SN: 04. Mfd. 2006. 8-Spindles, 37mm Bar Capacity. With Stock Reel and Stand, Chiller, Mist Collector and new BECKHOFF control.
Schutte AF32. SN: Series 11, N. 6. Mfd. 1985. 8-Spindle Automatic Screw Machine. Pickoff and Back Finish, Threading. Stock Reel and Stand. 8 Cross Slides, Programmable RPM motor.
Schutte S 32 PC.
Serial Number: S-10, No. 07.
Spindle Stopper,
Cast Stone Base,
Schutte SF51 S. Mfd. 2002. Cucchi Bar Feed. Pickoff, Back Burr. Used only 3 years.
Schutte SF42 Multispindle Screw Machine. 6-Spindles, 42mm capacity. Motor and controls. Stock Reel and Stand. IEMCA PRA loader. Internal and External Thread Chasing attachments.
Schutte AF32 Multi-spindle screw machine. 32mm capacity with 8 Spindles. Motor and control. Stock reel and stand, Threading Clutches. 8 cross slides.
Schutte AF32 Multi-spindle screw machine. 32mm capacity with 8 Spindles. Motor and control. Stock reel and stand, Pickup Attachment. Threading.