
Graff-Pinkert sells INDEX Multispindle screw machines such as the INDEX MS32C, INDEX MS52C, INDEX MS40C, INDEX MS42C, INDEX MS22C, and INDEX MS16C. The INDEX MS line are one of the most popular late model CNC multispindle screw machines worldwide. The INDEX MS machines are capable of some of the tightest tolerances achievable for CNC multispindles. INDEX multi-spindles are capable of producing very intricate, complex parts due to the machines' design of 6 main spindles, up to 6 counter spindles and a maximum of 17 tool slides. The CNC technology and spacious work area enable the INDEX MS machines to be changed over to new jobs quickly. The the open front design of the INDEX MS multispindles enables the machines to be changed to a chucker easily. 

Graff-Pinkert also sells INDEX CNC Lathes such as the INDEX ABC Speedline. The INDEX ABC Speedline comes in diameters of 42mm, 60mm and 65mm. The machines are highly regarded as one of the best CNC lathes of its capacity. They are very fast, and precise.

Graff-Pinkert is always looking for used INDEX machines such the INDEX ABC Speedline, INDEX MS machines, and INDEX C100, INDEX C200. If you know of any other types of late model CNC INDEX machines available on the used market, please contact Graff-Pinkert.



Mfd. 1999
SN: 52150044
Siemens Sinumerik Control
IEMCA SIR MS32/38F Bundle Loader
Mfd. 1999


INDEX MS32B, SN: 150147, Mfd. 2001 (Delivered 2002)

2 NCUs, 4-Meter IEMCA SIR bar loader, Knoll chip conveyor. Currently running production

Contact us for more information

  • INDEX R300


CNC Lathe and Milling Center.
Mfd. 2013 (installed 2014)
Control: INDEX C200-4D (Siemens 840D sl)
With gantry loader
Chip Conveyor, Mist Collector



CNC Multi-Spindle Screw Machine
Mfd. 1996
INDEX Stock Reel
6 Spindles, 42mm Capacity
Knoll Chip System
Still in Production

  • INDEX MS-32C


Mfd. 2005
IEMCA SIR loader (4 meters)
Knoll Chip Conveyor
Siemens C200-4D Control
Tooled as pictured
Currently running production


INDEX ABC CNC Lathe. Mfd. 1998.

Siemens Sinumerik Control

2 Turrets

Bar Loader

INDEX MS42C, Mfd. 1995
6-Spindles, 42mm
Knoll Chip Conveyor and Chiller
One tool at each position


INDEX MS42C, Mfd. 1994
6-Spindles, 42mm
Knoll Chip Conveyor
Tooled as pictured

  • INDEX G250 CNC Turning Center

INDEX G250 CNC Turning Center. 
C-200-4D (Siemens 840D) control. 
Programmable Steady Rest (20-165mm)


INDEX MS42C, Mfd. 1999
6-Spindles, 42mm
3.4 Meter Pietro Cucchi Loader
Tooled as pictured.

  • INDEX MS-32C

INDEX MS32C. Mfd. 2004. IEMCA SIR loader (4 meters).

  • INDEX MS32 P

INDEX MS32-P. Mfd. 2000. IEMCA SIR 4 meter loader. 

  • Index C200

INDEX C200 CNC Turning and Milling Center Mfd. 2012 (Delivered 2013). With very few spindle hours. Main Spindle and Counter Spindle, 3 Turrets, Y-Axis on Turret 1 and 2

  • INDEX C200

Index C200 CNC Turning and Milling Center. Mfd. 2012

Main Spindle and Counter Spindle
Y-Axis on Turret 1 and 2
Spindle Hollow 65mm


INDEX MS32P. Mfd. 2000. 4 meter Iemca Loader. Reasonably priced. (2) Machines Available.

Contact us for more specifications.

  • Index MS52C

INDEX MS52C. Mfd. 2006. 6-spindles, 52mm. With IEMCA SIR loader mfd. 2013, Knoll Chip Conveyor, and Chiller.

  • INDEX MS32 B

INDEX MS32-B, Mfd. 1998. IEMCA SIR 4 meter bar loader. 

  • INDEX G250

INDEX G250 CNC Turning Center. Mfd. 2010. Hardly used. With Y-B Axis. Comes with 12 Live tools, 20 VDI 40, 18 HSK A63.

  • INDEX G200

Index G200 CNC Lathe. Mfd. 2012. Compact model. With 1.5 meter Fedek Bar Loader, Loading conveyor. Chip Conveyor. C200-4D Control. C-axis.

Ask for a quote for more specifications.

  • INDEX MS32 P

INDEX MS32P. With 4 meter Iemca bar loader. Mfd. 2001. With Pickoff attachment.


Machine Information Request

Have questions about this machine? Please complete the form below and a Graff-Pinkert representative will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Graff-Pinkert | 4161 166th Street, Suite B, Oak Forest, Illinois, USA 60452
Tel. 1-708-535-2200 | Fax 1-708-535-0103
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